Good Dog Application Addendum Why are you interested in owning an azawakh specifically versus other breeds? What draws you to the breed?
As you understand the breed, please describe a typical Azawakh.
Describe your other animals, if you have any. Detail their personality, age, sex, and anything else you may find relevant.
How do you think your other animals (if applicable) will react to a new puppy?
What difficulties do you anticipate tackilng with an Azawakh? How will you deal with an Azawakh's guarding instincts? As a reminder, all breeds have difficulties.
Describe the socialization and exposure regiment you intend to follow with your puppy.
What training philosophy do you follow?
What training tools do you intend to use with your puppy? How about as an adult?
In addition to the every day activities such as walks, runs, and hikes, are there any other dog related activities that you are interested in? These can include conformation, agility, lure coursing, and more.
How often do you intend to travel? What will you do with your dog while you are away?
What steps will you take if your dog shows signs that they are under stimulated? Such signs include listlessness or hyperactivity, destructiveness, neurotic behavior, etc
Do you intend to let your dog run off leash? If so in what case? Do you have access to a fenced yard? What is your plan to ensure your Azawakh has enough running room on a regular basis? Please understand even a medium to medium-large yard is often not enough large enough to allow an Azawakh to safely open up and stretch their legs.
If you work a full day, what is your plan for your puppy/dog during the day?
If you stay at home all day, how do you plan to combat (or prevent) the separation anxiety that may develop from your dog never being left alone?
What is your plan for your dog when visitors come over? Many Azawakh are not eager to have strangers enter their homes.
What is your plan if your dog doesn't like your visitors?
What is your plan for any problem behaviors that pop up?
Azawakh can live to be up to 15 years old. If you suspect your dog might outlive you, what provisions will you make for this possibility? Please list provisions, even if you are still young.
If you have children, especially young children, detail how the adults intend to monitor the children's interaction with the puppy (and eventually adult dog)
What is your exercise/enrichment plan for your dog? Please keep in mind exercise comes in physical, mental, and emotional varieties
These are desert dogs that tend to get cold easily. Detail your plan for that.
Describe your relationship with your veterinarian (if you presently have other pets).
What are your views on whether dogs should be spayed or neutered and at what age?
What are your views on a vaccination plan for your dog?
What training classes do you intend to enroll your Azawakh in? As a puppy? As a teenager? As an adult?
Azawakh can be difficult teenagers - fearful, emotional, and insecure. How do you intend to deal with these difficulties that start around 9-10 months and can last until the dog is 2+ years?
Describe your ideal Azawakh.
What will you do if (and more likely when your dog doesn't turn out exactly like your ideal dog?
All our Azawakh are socialized extensively with a combination of Puppy Culture, Avidog, and LIMA protocols. And we won't breed a dog that has a bite history. However, as I often remind my clients, every dog is capable of biting. The reason a dog might bite varies, it might be from pain or or from a child pulling their tail too many times. If such an incidence occurs what would you do?