Honor Breeds As They Are: A Reflection on Breed Purpose
There is a post that has been shared often recently speaking to the indigenous temperament of Afghan Hounds and how there are times that...
Honor Breeds As They Are: A Reflection on Breed Purpose
Angulation in Azawakh Setting Structural Dominos in Motion
Breeding for Temperament - Digging into the Nuts and Bolts
Combating the Revisionist History of Azawakh in the Present Day
Addressing the Divide in Training Philosophies
Pulling Apart the AKC Azawakh Breed Standard
Preventing the Self-Perpetuating Cycle of Anxiety
On the Veterinary and Client Disconnect - Navigating your Relationship with your Vet
The Mental Component of Running Sports
Correct Azawakh Gait
Embark - Pop Science or Useful Tool for Breeding
Form and Function
Consistency is Key
Stress Displacement Behaviors
The Lens of Colonialism in Dogs
Gaiting and Balance